This dataset was scraped by Masoud Nosrati in May 2020. The data includes locations in Iowa of childcare providers The dataset was geocoded by Matthew Voss in August 2020.
A data frame with 4335 rows and 22 variables:
name of the dataset
type of services offered by daatset
name of the county
name of the community
type of childcare provider
id number of the childcare provider
name of the childcare provider
last name of the business owner
first name of the business owner
is the childcare provider a cca provider
address of the provider's location
additional address information of the provider's location
zip code for the provider's location
phone number of the provider
the date of the provider's license issuance
the date of the provider's license expiration
the capacity of the childcare provider
Iowa Child Care Resource and Referral
search address used in geocoding
geographic longitude
geographic latitude